Day 22 –

January 22, 2009 

William Clayton is a friend of mine that I met here at Hillsdale last semester during lunch the first week. He is an excellent photographer and I really enjoy his work. He has been a great council whenever I have questions and he is always willing to help. He does a photography 365 at his site, I suggest that you check it out and add the feed to your aggregator so you can see his wonderful photos daily.

    • *This coming weekend and next week are going to be pretty busy for me. I have a lot of reading to do, a paper to write, and math to keep up with. Additionally, I signed up to take the third CCA which starts next week. The CCA is a lecture series, put on by Hillsdale, called the Center for Constructive Alternatives. There are four CCAs per academic year, in September, November, January, and March. The one in January is always about economics, so that is the one I am taking. Students get a credit towards graduation if they attend the lectures and do well on the assigned paper afterwards. This CCA’s topic is titled, “Cars, Trucks, Markets, and Government.” It will consider the history of the automotive industry with a special focus on the role of government. I am looking forward to it, though it will take up a lot of my time since there are 7 lectures and a discussion group fit in from Sunday to Thursday.</p>

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