Day 61 – Rise of the Martyr

March 2, 2009

I pulled this photo out of the file for today’s post. This is Mike Ramirez from Rise of the Martyr, a band I photographed in Lorain, Ohio, for a battle of the bands. This was one of the first times I shot in B&W instead of converting to B&W in post-processing. Click the photo to view it larger.

Tonight I saw Paul Cantor, an Austrian school economist, literary critic, and Shakespeare scholar, speak about the demise of the western film, or lack thereof. He is an excellent speaker. He even managed to tie Hayek into western films!

By the way, I am giving a presentation on Seasteading to the Classical Liberal Organization and Economics Honorary at Hillsdale on Friday. It is only an introduction, but if you are at all interested in Seasteading, stop by Lane 126 at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, March 6. My presentation should go for around a half-hour, then I will answer questions and a group discussion will follow.

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