I took this photo somewhere in the Bighorn Mountains a few years ago.
To celebrate Earth Day, the Foundation for Economic Education posted these articles, which anyone who cares about the environment should consider reading:
- “Controlling Pollution,” by Hans Sennholz
- “Saving the Environment for a Profit,” Victorian-Style, by Pierre Desrochers
- “Chemical Hysteria and Environmental Politics,” by Doug Bandow
- “Thank You, Internal-Combustion Engine, for Cleaning up the Environment,” by Dwight Lee
- “Freedom is the Environment’s Best Friend,” by John Semmens
- “The Impossibility of Harming the Environment,” by Roy E. Cordato
- “Government Versus the Environment,” by Russell Madden
- “Economic Notions: The Perverse Popularity of Command and Control,” by Dwight Lee
- “Is Greed Green?” by Pierre Desrochers
- The Fable of Environmental Apocalypse, Doug Bandow
- Global Warming and Environmental Issues, Gene Callahan
(Hat tip to FEE)