Day 8 – Vibram FiveFingers

January 8, 2009

Vibram FiveFinger Flow

Today I decided to order these awesome shoes made by Vibram. In addition to looking cool, these unique shoes provide health benefits, including improved balance, stronger foot muscles, and reduced back pain. They have a neoprene body and rubber sole; and yes, they have individual toes.  Check out Vibram’s seven reasons to wear their shoes.


I first saw these shoes at the Foundation for Economic Education when someone else attending the seminars wore them. He told me all about them and vouched for their comfort, so I decided to check them out. I temporarily forgot about them, but I remembered today and wanted to order a pair before I forgot about them. I am excited for them to get shipped!


Besides ordering shoes, I worked today and helped setup RADIUS service up and running at Amherst High School and tomorrow we are setting it up for the rest of the district, which should be easy since the server is already set up. I also held the second calculus and physics study session tonight. I think it was pretty productive. Then I visited Amanda for a little while. She reminded me of the Vibram FiveFingers (by making fun of them, but she still reminded me). I think they are very neat and should be comfortable. I will review them when they come in.

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