When I updated to macOS High Sierra, a bunch of necessary stuff broke: Jekyll, Homebrew, Node.js, and a bunch of gems. s3_website, the tool I use to deploy my Jekyll site to S3, was one of the gems that just completely disappeared. When I went to reinstall it, I got an error that I didn’t have Java installed. Against my better judgment, I went to the URL listed and installed it. Then I ran s3_website push
After about 30 seconds, I got an error saying that s3_website doesn’t work with Java 9, which was the most recent version at the link. And also the version you get with brew cask install java
. Well, shit.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.jruby.Ruby.newInstance(Ruby.java:266)
at s3.website.Ruby$.rubyRuntime$lzycompute(Ruby.scala:4)
at s3.website.Ruby$.rubyRuntime(Ruby.scala:4)
at s3.website.model.Config$$anonfun$15.apply(Config.scala:229)
at s3.website.model.Config$$anonfun$15.apply(Config.scala:227)
at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:192)
at s3.website.model.Config$.erbEval(Config.scala:227)
at s3.website.model.Site$$anonfun$2.apply(Site.scala:28)
at s3.website.model.Site$$anonfun$2.apply(Site.scala:27)
at scala.util.Success.flatMap(Try.scala:231)
at s3.website.model.Site$.parseConfig(Site.scala:27)
at s3.website.model.Site$.loadSite(Site.scala:100)
at s3.website.Push$.push(Push.scala:62)
at s3.website.Push$.main(Push.scala:40)
at s3.website.Push.main(Push.scala)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: unsupported Java version: 9
at org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.initGlobalJavaVersion(RubyInstanceConfig.java:1878)
at org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.<clinit>(RubyInstanceConfig.java:1585)
... 15 more
After lots of searching, I came across a kind soul on Github suggesting that we use jEnv to define which java environment to use in the directory.
When I first installed jenv, I couldn’t add versions to the tool. I kept getting this error:
ln: /usr/local/opt/jenv/versions/oracle64-9.0.1: No such file or directory
The fix is described here: https://github.com/gcuisinier/jenv/wiki/Trouble-Shooting. Once I added version 8 as well, I switched to version 8 locally with this:
jenv local oracle64-
Then I opened a fresh Terminal window and ran s3_website
again and everything pushed up to s3 without an issue.