Archives: December 2017

Bulk Clearing Expiration Dates in Restrict Content Pro

December 4, 2017 - Category: TIL - Tags: SQL and WordPress

At Praxis we use Restrict Content Pro as the membership system for our curriculum portal. We decided that all grads get access for life, not just during the program. So, I needed a way to clear over 200 member expiration dates. Here is how I accomplished that task with SQL.

Selling Photos on

December 5, 2017

I'm testing out an idea on If you pay and then a section is revealed to you, that doesn't have to be just for articles. It can be used for anything digital!

My BTC, BCH, and Ripple Strategies

December 8, 2017

The past few days have been quite a ride in the crypto world! This rollercoaster is reminiscent of late 2013, except now there is much more skin in the game. My latest piece on covers my history with BTC, BCH, and Ripple, and my investment and use strategies for the currencies.

How can I come up with more ideas?

December 13, 2017 - Category: Praxis

The old saying, 'You are what you eat', applies to the creative process. If you want to be creative and come up with ideas, the best thing you can do is engage the creative ideas that are already out there. Not because you want to copy or emulate them, but because creative ideas catalyze other creative ideas.

A Crystemas Goman

December 14, 2017

A translation of my favorite passage of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to mark my own Christmas Game.

10 Steps to Becoming a Manager

December 15, 2017 - Category: Praxis

I saw this question on Reddit: I recently graduated with a degree in business management, but I’m having a hard time finding a management job. I’m not getting any interviews because I have no experience. What can I do? Here is my answer.

Remember to Ask for Help

December 20, 2017 - Category: TIL

I don't know all the answers, even if I think I do. Sometimes I need to ask for help.

Guidelines for Putting Your Projects on Display

December 22, 2017 - Category: Praxis

We emphasize the importance of working out loud throughout our curriculum. Each of our participants make portfolio sections on their websites where they collect projects they've built. How you package and present your projects matter as much as the projects themselves! Here are some general guidelines for what makes a good project write up.

Basic Elements of Communication

December 23, 2017 - Category: TIL

TIL that all forms of communication can be described by the same process, no matter the sender, receiver, or medium.


804 posts since June 22, 2008.