Great email from Paul Jarvis’s Sunday Dispatches this week. The relationship doesn’t end once you make the sale. That is just the beginning. Don’t be the hot tub guy.
Great email from Paul Jarvis’s Sunday Dispatches this week. The relationship doesn’t end once you make the sale. That is just the beginning. Don’t be the hot tub guy.
TLDR pages – Simplified man pages with practical examples. Probably covers 80% of your daily use cases. Looks super cool.
Gulp and Sketch first use notes
Switching IDEs after 10 years.
Using d3.nest to transform stacked data.
Line height doesn't work on spans by default
s3_website doesn't work with Java 9. Use jEnv to define an earlier version.
No more forgetting to export the database regularly.
Adding dates is tricky. Months have different numbers of days, so you can't rely on just adding 30 days to get an extra month. You also can't just add a certain number of months because formulas in Salesforce don't auto increment the year. The solution is modular arithmetic and conditionals.
804 posts since June 22, 2008.