Pull requests, scraping Reddit, and flexbox quirks
TIL about creating pull requests on Github, accessing Reddit's APIs with Python and storing that data in MySQL, and quirks with CSS's flexbox module
TIL about creating pull requests on Github, accessing Reddit's APIs with Python and storing that data in MySQL, and quirks with CSS's flexbox module
TIL about upgrading Jekyll from 2 to 3 and how to make a TIL index template in Liquid.
TIL about what to consider when architecting and planning out a software development project, how to automate the tedious parts of my TIL posts, how to tackle the lack of parent selectors in CSS, and project-wide find and replace in Coda.
TIL two ways to tile patterns in Photoshop. One is manual and time consuming, the other is fast, easy, and less prone to error. I also re-learned some stuff about Homestead and Composer.
TIL how to make code snippets pretty, which VPN client to use, and common misconceptions about privacy.
TIL the basics of Meteor, how to tell Apache where to find your 404 page, and all about secure hash algorithms.
Today I learned how to tackle my RSI issues and I thought about useful analytics and product scalability.
TIL how to keep track of files and requests in Slack.
TIL how to sort tags alphabetically in Liquid and I did some reflection on work and the status quo.
TIL about date/time conversions in PHP and a lesson about automatic inheritance in CSS.
My first personal project that I released on Github - A custom slash command that enables users to put time entries into Toggl from Slack.
TIL how to convert unicode characters in PHP and I released my first personal project on Github.
I didn’t do much technical work today besides some front-end debugging. Instead I did a lot of administrative and project management work and ended up thinking a lot about how I work.
TIL how to do basic logging to CSV in PHP and how to highlight syntax in Jekyll.
TIL how to check for keys and look up values in arrays, as well as how to restrict files via .htaccess.
Today I learned about best practices in development infrastructure and git.
A collection of Liquid templates I made for my Jekyll-powered blog: Adding open graph and Twitter cards, Disqus comments, posts by tag, a heatmap calendar for posts, and a book review template.
TIL about easier syntax highlighting and how to download WordPress.com email subscribers in a CSV.
804 posts since June 22, 2008.