Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing 614 with D3.js Treemap and Randomization
Implementing Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing 614 with D3.js Treemap and randomization.
Implementing Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing 614 with D3.js Treemap and randomization.
I took my implementation of Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing 614 using a D3.js Treemap and made it possible for users to change the number of rectangles and the width of the bands. Now you can make your own!
Learning all about D3.js's area and sorting functions to implement Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawings 852 and 853 with random generation.
I am fascinated by Sol LeWitt's conceptual work, so last year I explored it further by interpreting and implementing some of them on my medium of choice, the web, using JavaScript. I used this project to gain a deeper understanding of Sol LeWitt's work and to teach myself how to use the D3.js library. I tried to learn something new with each piece I implemented.
804 posts since June 22, 2008.